• How Historical Flows Replay Works

    ntop users who have enabled ClickHouse, know that they can search/aggregate/export historical flows and create customized reports. However, in the past months some of our users were uncomfortable of this approach as they preferred to seamlessly analyze historical as live data with the full power of ntopng. In the latest ntopng version we have added […]

  • Sept 5th Webinar: What’s new in the latest version of ntopng, nProbe/Cento, nDPI?

    In mid August we have refreshed most ntop tools, that include new features, enhancements and fixes. This webinar will walk through the major release changes and show what you should expect from this new release. Finally we will present future work items and developments plans so you can comment and provide feedback. The event is […]

  • Say Hello to ntopng 6.2: Mitre Att&ck, -60% Memory Usage, Historical Flows Replay, Revamped UI, Remediations, Cloud

    We’re happy to announce ntopng 6.2, a 10 months long development cycle. We have changed a few things in the UI and under the hood. Many pages as the flow page have been rewritten from scratch for responsiveness and usability Mitre Att&ck has been integrated in alerts, flow risks and  dashboards.As you can see we […]

  • Released Cento 2.0: Hardware Flow Table Offload, Avro Export and Much More

    This is to announce that Cento 2.0 is out! This new major release introduces many new great features. First of all it adds support for offloading flows to Napatech SmartNICs featuring Flow Manager. This new feature has been presented at IEEE HPSR (IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing) and demonstrated to provide […]

  • Released nProbe 10.6: Reworked GTP support, Improved Kafka/ZMQ Export, Several Fixes

    This is to announce the release of nProbe 10.6 that includes many changes in a couple of selected areas: Mobile traffic analysis (GTPv1 and GTPv2) and GTP-C/GTP-U correlation has been rewritten to support complexity of modern mobile networks.  nProbe is now more friendly when talking ZMQ/Kafka (hence with ntopng) as it can report various statistics […]

  • Released PF_RING 8.8.0: Flow Table Offload and nVidia BlueField Support

    This is to announce a new PF_RING release 8.8.0! This release adds generic support for flow table offload, which is currently supported on Napatech adapters with Flow Manager enabled. This new technology has been successfully used to accelerate nProbe Cento when running with DPI enabled on multi 100 Gbit traffic (both passive and inline) and […]

  • Released nDPI 4.10: 421 Protocols, 55 Flow Risks, Several Improvements, Getting Ready for FPC

    This is to announce the release of nDPI 4.10. This release adds many improvements and new detected protocols. For this reason future releases will be scheduled more often on a 4 or 6 months (hard) basis in order to provide you constant updates on a predictable timeframe, Beside adding many dissectors, this release paves the […]

  • Positioning ntopng vs nProbe for Traffic Analysis

    Recently we have compared the use of nDPI in a realtime application (ntopng) and a near-realtime (nProbe). We have captured a short pcap with some mixed traffic and analysed it with both applications. The expectation was to find comparable results between the two applications, but this happened only partially. This blog posts explains the main […]

  • HowTo Extend ntopng with new Host/Flow Checks and Alerts

    ntopng can be easily extended with new host/flow checks and alerts. They are developed in C++ with a few Lua files used by the UI to configure the check and format the emitted alerts. In order to introduce you to thir development, we have written a short guide that shows you step-by-step how to develop […]

  • HowTo Export ntopng Alarms to Checkmk Event Console

    Checkmk is a popular platform for monitoring IT infrastructure. ntopng has been integrated in Checkmk some time ago, enabling users to provide traffic visibility in additional to classic bytes/packets metrics. As ntopng is able to produce traffic alerts that, we have decided to extend ntopng in order to export alert information towards Checkmk event console […]

Packet Capture

Wire-speed packet capture and transmission using commodity hardware with PF_RING. Zero-Copy packet distribution across threads, applications, Virtual Machines. Libpcap support for seamless integration with legacy applications. Remote capture with nTAP.

Traffic Recording

100 Gbit lossless network traffic recording with n2disk. Industry standard PCAP file format with nanosecond resolution. Layer-7 on-the-fly indexing to quickly retrieve interesting packets using fast-BPF and time interval. Precise traffic replay with disk2n.

Network Probe

NetFlow v5/v9/IPFIX data export and collection with nProbe, an extensible probe with plugins support for L7 content inspection. 100 Gbit NetFlow, traffic classification, and packet shunting for IDS and packet-to-disk acceleration with nProbe Cento.

Traffic Analysis

High-speed web-based traffic analysis and flow collection using ntopng. Persistent traffic statistics in RRD and Influx format. Full historical data to ClickHouse and big data systems. Layer 7 analysis based on nDPI. Identity Management with Firewalls and Active Directory support.